Download FTS Mod PES 2019 v3 By Allan Games

Download FTS Mod PES 2019 v3 By Allan Games - Welcome. Hope you guys like the FTS mod I will share this. This mod is named FTS Mod PES 2019 v3. This mod was made by one of Brazil's moderately popular Models, Allan Games. Not much description of this mod v3. But for sure, mod ni already update transfers. Here is a screeshot of this game. Simply download through the link below.
Mode : Offline
Size : 295 Mb
Password : AllanGames
How to Install
1. Download file
2. Extract
3. Install file apk (don't open)
4. Move the existing folder in the obb foder to Intenal/Android/Obb/...
5. Move the existing folder in the data foder Internal/Android/data/...
6. Play
If you are interested in this game, you can download below. If you do not like it, you can try FTS Mod World Cup 2018. Please tell this blog to your friends through any media. Thank you for visiting.
Download FTS Mod PES 2019 v3 By Allan Games

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